Originally developed and published in 2001, the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials was designed to protect the consumer by providing a common basis for the certification of companies supplying packaging to food producers. The Standard now provides a framework for all types of packaging manufacturers to assist them in the production of safe packaging materials and to manage product quality to meet customers’ requirements. Certification against the Standard is recognised by many brand owners, retailers, food service companies and manufacturers around the world when assessing the capabilities of their suppliers.
The Standard has been developed to specify the product safety, quality and operational criteria that must be in place within a packaging manufacturing organisation in order for it to fulfil its obligations with regard to legal compliance and protection of the consumer. The format is designed to allow a company’s premises, operational systems and procedures to be assessed against the requirements of the Standard by a competent third party – the certification body.
The Standard is based on the key components of: senior management commitment; risk assessment of the product and manufacturing process; and a systematic approach to managing product quality and safety. Manufacturing sites are awarded a certificate with the grade of AA, A, B, C or D depending on the number and type of non-conformities identified.
Packaging Boards from Unit Bhadrachalam are A+ Certified, Unit Bollaram is Grade AA certified and PM3 products from Unit Tribeni are Grade A certified under the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials